8 Steps To Intuitive Healing


Happy Monday friends!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. We spent the weekend by the lake visiting my parents and mom for mothers day. Lola enjoyed it immensely and it was a weekend of many firsts for her! We enjoyed lots of fresh air and vitamin D as well. Bonus! My oh my how Lola has grown.


Mom and Dad with Lola

These past few months have definitely been different for me. Instead of forcing what isn’t or what cannot be I have been intuitively following what feels right for me and my health and life in general. “Going with the flow” so to speak…trusting the universe has my back and will provide and closely paying attention to its clues/cues. I have been putting spoken word out into the universe each morning and following the path of faith for my life and those around me.  I wanted to introduce you to a list of what I have followed (looking back) these are the things that seem to be working for me and what I have had to go through to get to where I am today.

  1. Following that Gut Feeling

I guess you could call it a spiritual awakening of sorts  which happened leading up to my wedding this past year. I knew there was more out there for my life. I felt that I am here for a bigger purpose and that I was meant to help people in some way. Of that I was sure. I felt that by dealing with my own health issues – I could shed some light on these sort of issues that others might be going through too. I knew I had to dive into my health issues and start to heal from the inside out and that some how this would in a big way contribute to my future. I started by visiting with a nutritionist and naturopath who put me on the right path as far as diet and supplements go. I found out what was invading my body and causing most of the trouble. I got some medium readings in order to decipher what I was thinking and feeling and seeing. I learned about emotions and how they can get stuck in the body and how important it is to let them flow rather than allowing them to invade our body and thoughts. I pay attention to reoccurring signs and symbols that may be taking place around me and keep note of them. We are all born quite intuitive – we just need to get over ourselves and pay attention to the world around us. W

2. Acknowledgement 

To get to a place where you can intuitively heal yourself it takes a certain amount of acknowledgement of how we got here in the first place. Whether it be self inflicted or family trauma from the past, we must step into living in this very moment and realize that this moment is the key to healing. What can we do today to shed our past and relieve worries and anxieties about our future? We need to find what works for us…it could be writing, journaling, yoga, meditation and very well could be a combination of things. What we do in this moment matters. We must be mindful, present and open to health and well being. We must do whatever we can to shield ourselves from the negativity of this crazy world. We must learn to not play the victim but to continually overcome, learn, and grow. I Jocelyn, acknowledge the role that my past has played in leading to my health spiraling out of control but I will no longer allow that to dictate my current and future health and growth. 

3. Studying, researching and analyzing 

We must spend some time studying, researching and analyzing our life and behavior in order to heal ourselves. We need to get away from the screen and cut the cord to anything that no longer serves us. We need to turn off the news and spend some time outside. I personally took a break from my smart phone and laptop. I took a break from watching T.V and the morning news. I took a good look inside my life like a fly on the wall and realized how out of control my consumerism and spending habits had gotten. It made me feel “icky” and realizing that I needed to make a deep change in my life. I spent some time going through my closet and donating items that I no longer wear, cleaned out each room in the house and spent quality time with my husband. We set up a tighter monthly budget that will serve us more going forward together. We should refuse to play the victim any longer. 

4. Emotions

Realize that emotions play a huge roll in our path to healing and health. Intuitive healing involves taking a look at our trapped emotions and learning how to safely release them in order to live in the now and no longer harboring them in our body and mind. Some of us easily take on the emotions of others and feel all mixed up after we have been in large crowds – similar to that of an introvert. We need to take time to be alone and to release those emotions that are not our own or what does not serve us and be able to have that time alone to recharge our batteries. What has helped me has been to write about things that may have negatively affected me and in a way it’s releasing them from myself. You might release yours differently. It’s about finding whatever works for you, personally.

5. Doing

We must put in the work and listen to our intuition in order to figure out how we are going to heal. I completed two rounds of the 30 day candida diet, took two rounds of anti fungals, started walking daily, working outside, spending more time outside and getting more vitamin D, getting more rest, and eating healthier foods. You cannot accomplish much without “doing”. Period. 

6. Diet

This one is pretty self explanatory. Do not eat things that make you feel like shit. Once I started realizing what was invading my body and mind I started seeing more and more patterns and familiar things popping up on my body and with my health. What works for me might not work for you. Personally my body responds well to a low sugar, low fat diet and I am working towards freeing myself of candida plus balancing my blood sugar and hormones. The better you eat the clearer your mind and body become – the easier it is to follow your intuition as it is all connected. If your body is all filled up with gunk it’s easier to feel blocked from what the universe might be trying to tell you. Finally…good gut health is KEY. Feeling shitty? Imbalanced? indigestion? Brain fog? Skin rash? Try taking a really good probiotic each morning and notice the changes.

7. Rest

Rest is so important. It’s important to not only get proper rest and adequate sleep over night but you must rest every day. Take a rest from negativity on the news, from negative people and situations that you no longer feel serve you. Grab the scissors and start cutting those cords. Being busy is not productive nor does it serve an important purpose in your life, healing or health.

8. Allow for Growth

Finally after following everything I have mentioned it will be hard not to feel the growth that you will continue to go through daily. You might lose or gain friends, you might figure out you are better suited in a new position or different career, you might realize what foods work best for you and what changes you need to make at home in order to have that growth that is important for all of us. Some people need to go through the rough stuff to allow for that new growth to happen. Some people need to have things fall away to experience growth.  It’s so important to allow this growth to happen. We must not stifle it for growth is necessary and inevitable in this human experience. 

This is what intuitive healing is to me and what I have included into my daily life over the past couple months. I hope this helps you out too!

Send me a message or feel free to leave a comment if you have questions.

XO Jocelyn



I know I frequently talk about this topic on here but the weather here lately has been so beautiful it has got me thinking and spending A LOT more time outside – ahhhh yes, natural vitamin D and fresh air. It’s no surprise that I have been sleeping like a rock lately! Usually I am up 2 or 3 times throughout the night tossing and turning but lately my head hits the pillow and I do not wake until the 5:45 alarm!

Coincidence or not but…I had to order a new phone since my Iphone died and have been without said phone for a few days now forcing me to go outside without it…and just chill in the shade with my sunglasses on watching Lola and enjoying watching the birds at the feeder. I have also not been looking at it before bed which I used to do constantly. We have been substituting walks around the neighborhood over scrolling on our phone or watching TV.  For some reason I have also been spending less time even in front of the laptop (except for the blog world because it’s something I enjoy checking up on!) 


Family members and friends act concerned… “we thought you were dead….are you feeling ok?….I haven’t seen any postings from you lately” Let me check my pulse….yep still here! Just unplugging a little and going through an internet detox. Social media addiction is something that our world has become so addicted to including myself, hopping on the bandwagon by grade 11.  Just like at times we need to detox from shitty food, drinks and relationships I think we are going through an energy/radiation crisis and we too need some detox time away from the internet and social media. In order to heal emotionally and physically from whatever is currently ailing us…it’s very important to be able to disconnect from the online world.

I think this is almost a laughable post coming from me because people who know me…know that I love social media, I love the internet, I love feeling connected to a communitybut too much of a good thing is never really a good thing. I mean we all LOVE icecream and pizza right? Doesn’t mean we should eat it every day – although I have tried. 


Everybody deserves to disconnect for a period of time – whether it be cutting out evening screen time, only checking the phone at certain times throughout the day or limiting availability if you are a home based entrepreneur through social media. It is especially imperative, I am learning lately that if you are an empath or sensitive soul like myself it’s so important to disconnect yourself from social media after using it and add in these longer social media detoxes each and every month. It’s something I have never really been aware of but I am going to be super conscious of doing so going forward. You will feel better for it – I promise! It’s like the negative energy clears away on it’s own just by spending less time connected to your smart phone. 


Benefits to disconnecting from social media include experiencing less anxiety over world issues, less need to participate in drama or comment on peoples lives, spend more time with your significant other, family and friends, get more exercise and feel well rested when your feet hit the ground each morning. I am experiencing all of these wonderful benefits and happier for it!

Do you feel like you have an addiction to social media? Do you feel the need to be connected 24/7? 

Until next time…

XO Jocelyn


The Little Girl – Part 1

There’s a little girl I once knew…well she’s apart of me really and I have been trying to find her again. She is carefree, innocent, loves food, loves to eat, has an innocent relationship with food, loves her grandparents, a daddys girl and loved spending Saturdays with him – eating cheddar popcorn and watching Garfield cartoon and Peewee herman. That was her favorite. She was  overly attached to her mothers side  even though the relationship was kind of complicated. It was complicated because her daddy treated her so special…like his number one – mom sometimes got jealous.

She was quite a feminine little soul. She loved to have her finger nails and toe nails painted and her hair brushed out in the evenings. She loved to spend weekends at her grandparents house. She loved having sleep overs there and learning about her Scottish heritage. She found it fascinating and special. She loved visiting her other grandparents house, going swimming in their swimming pool, and helping her grandma feed the birds in the front yard.

This little girl loved to dance, she started dancing by age 3.  In fact she attended weekly dance classes but it never felt like too much to her. Although, she never really had a choice…she tried several activities like girl scouts, brownies, and skating. Her mom told her that she hated all activities except for dancing. This little girl was timid and shy but she shined on stage.

This little girl had her fair share of medical issues including frequent ear infections, allergy issues, night terrors and chronic asthma. Her parents told her during these night terror episodes…nothing could wake her from them and all they could do was hold her during them and try to comfort her. She was sick frequently and took too many antibiotics. Back then nobody really knew or seemed to care about the negative affects antibiotics could have on the gut and the insides of the body. This girl was on the emotional side and seemed overly sensitive – nobody knew why. She cried easily, loved animals and found it hard to make friends.

This little girl loved school and excelled in subjects like drama, English and history. She loved to write and would pretend write books on lined pieces of paper`. Math confused her and she frequently did things backwards. Maybe there was some dyslexia there. Numbers never made sense to her. She loved school but she was a shy kid and didn’t get in trouble for too much talking on her report card, rather she got in trouble for not enough participation. She had a lot of friends through her dance classes but not too many close friends at school.

This little girl had a good start to life and from about birth to age 7 she was carefree and innocent. She didn’t like when her parents argued or fought but she kind of understood that was a part of life. She chatted to her imaginary friends in her room and hid quietly away with her pet dogs while her parents argued. The dogs comforted her.

This little girl loved to go camping. She loved her family trailer which was very tiny and nothing fancy – but it felt like a treat to get away every weekend, have a campfire and roast marshmallows. It was fun to spend days at the beach by the lake. Yes, this little girl had a good, average life. And her parents tried their best. And yet the highs were highs and the lows were very low. Money was always tight however they always made it work. She loved her family very much. She loved her parents despite it all. She looked up to them for direction, self confidence and comfort. 



I believe from birth to age 7 were my unmasked years…I was free and innocent. I enjoyed life and did not really experience the dark side of life yet. 






Have you met your inner child? Is She/he still apart of you? Have you made peace with that little soul? Or do you still have some healing to do…It’s the only way you will ever be able to feel complete today. Ignoring your innerchild and refusing to make peace with the past will continue to haunt you into your future. 

This writes like a journal entry because it is. By doing so it’s helping me connect the dots and remember myself as a child. 

I will occasionally be updating with several parts through this blog.

Take care! Until next time…

XO Jocelyn